Seriously. Now imagine your family pranking your new husband yet again on what should be a day celebrating the two of you. That's when I stopped searching. They're committing pretty serious crimes against him and they belong in jail not at his fucking wedding. po NTA. (I was diagnosed at the urgent care with a failing galbladder. NTA these are not pranks, this is just immature and terrible behavior. They are too manly to go to the wedding. anything that involves irreparable destruction of property cannot be called a prank. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You did not ruin your relationship with your family. Cousin asked if "little timmy ran to me to tattle". All I can picture is a future child being pranked like this. OOP can fucking choke. Or to respect that, for that matter. They kept calling him slow and soft but he has medical condition (asthma) but they think he's making 'excuses'. Especially with your dad, who will apologize but will lose respect for him. The spelling errors are driving me insane. In fact, Tim has every right to press charges against these guys and should do so. And you let it happen for way too long. Not only uninvite them, you should cut contact completely. Before or after he passed out/died? What awful people. Block them back so you don't have to wonder if they'll show up again with more of their bs. He's the "type of man" you decided to marry and that's all they need to fucking know. She still goes all out. Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Why has your fianc not filed a police report on these people? Also your dad he wouldnt respect Tim anymore if he had to apologise to Tim?? These people are sick, and they stay in a pack to reinforce each others sickness. Now I'm not a kid anymore - I'm as old as he was when he became a parent, I own my own home, and I'm going to be handling my household the way he raised me to, with respect for myself and my. Little Timmy could have pranked them back by dying without his inhaler if he hasn't discovered its loss in time. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So it's safe to assume they would have stopped pranking after they "accidentally " killed him? I might have bailed by now. Truth is Timmy no longer feels comfortable being around them so this is saying something but he says he doesn't want to drive a wedge between me and my family. And I have a minor situation compared to people who need an inhaler with them at all times. Depending on other circumstances, I may have even pressed charges. Definitely NTA. This is abuse. They're just bullying your fiance because they don't like him I assume. Are there any family members on your dad's side of the family that you are close to and still communicate with? (Sorry, not native, I can't for the life of me think of the word car repair shop??). NTA. I'm almost done and it's been a lifelong dream of my mother's to have her children graduate from college. It took quite a bit of analyzing past incidents and months of research into the topic before it really sank in for me. So mostly right, and condolences for your friend. Criminal property damage and withholding vital medical equipment are not pranks. All they're doing is alienating you and your man from the rest of the family. This is a really bad troll. The fact he still wants to continue in this relationship says a lot about his feelings for you. Read this before contacting the mod team. At the time I commented, pretty much everyone was saying NTA. The tire slashing would of been enough for me to cut my family out. In what world is hiding critical medication and slashing tires "pranks"? My relationship with my stepdad has been problematic from the very beginning. OP, it sounds like the men in your family are jerks and hoping your future husband wont disrupt their dysfunction. These arent pranks. not everyone uses them. I, 22f, and my dad have had a tumultuous relationship for the last 5 years. evetytime anyone reaches out to beg op to re-invite them, I'd send them a new article about someone who died/almost died because of a lack of an inhaler. NTA. Cookie Notice OP is NTA for what she is asking about, but how on earth was the tire stunt not the line drawn in the sand? What type of relationship does your dad have with your siblings? Exactly that. Im sorry but is your family a bunch of uneducated hicks that actually think this shit is normal? Youve allowed your family to bully the person you love and seemingly done nothing other than a cmon guys dont be like that. Even if it did though, so what? And also tell them that this little habit stops here. Sometimes, even when we are justified in going no contact, we can later regret it, and then the whole argument for it in the first place feels less important and we focus on what we can never have. All of them can go fuck themselves. Nuff said. NTA at all. Sheesh.. As a registered nurse, all I can say is that is despicable and they could have potentially put his life in danger. Stick with your fianc, start your own family and use them as examples of what not to turn out like. They will have to live with the consequences of their "funny" prank and I find them being uninvited "just as funny". (jfc the warped mentality has me spinning). Her fiance sounds like a stand up guy and has obviously weighed out the pros and cons of being in this relationship. He could press charges for that. They're not idiots; they're psychopaths. Not to mention, it would be a pain in the A to replace them and probably balance them without the equipment of a shop - still possible but probably take a lot longer. Cousin asked if "little timmy ran to me to tattle". They hid an inhaler from someone with asthma. Not going to assume too much for OP's case, but in my case, the unwillingness to acknowledge the abuse just caused my siblings to peg me as ungrateful. Toxic masculinity is so fucking dangerous to all of us. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Seriously, these arent pranks. Lots of things can go wrong and they have no idea how big it can be until it hits them on the head. Your family sucks. Yeah. Got to admit that if I were Tim, Id run. AHs are still AHs. These are excellent words to throw back in their faces. So, he leaned into my husband's strengths, which was his extreme empathy and ability to navigate social situations and deal with mental health issues (husband is a social worker now, was studying to be one at the time). ^ u/Throwawayfamily976, the above comment really hit home. Growing up i was a daddy's girl, I was his password, wallpaper and profile picture child. Perhaps we just have very different perspectives on this. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. My junior and senior years of high school they had my two younger half-brothers and my stepdad forced me to drop out of all extracurriculars so I could take care of them after school which severely hurt my chances of scholarships. I read her family slashed his tires and I was thinking this man is a saint for continuing to try with this family. He should get them all charged. Ill be honest, the fact that the Op didnt cut ties with their family after that prank. You don't have to tell me about how awful some doctors can be. Because that lifetime of stress kills us. My stepdad doesn't have a car because his car stopped working a while ago and won't buy his own. The poor stepdad.. Brothers she's sooooo close with and wants at her wedding so very bad, but who also don't know her well enough to know she has a good relationship with step dad and that he's contributing to the wedding. I have never been a cryer but I've shed more tears because of my dad than laughs with him. NTA. Yeah youre not the asshole for that but you are the asshole. NTA. Hell, you might be the asshole if you don't press charges. Honestly, if I were your fiance, I'd have left when you showed through your actions that's it's ok for your family to SLASH HIS TIRES. Apologize to this man. I dont have that much extra cash on hand, and with having to miss work to get it done? I was sitting down looking at daddy-daughter dance songs when I got the urge to just text and confirm he will be able to make it to my wedding. Id tell them since they suck so much at life they can sit at the house and play pranks on one another and if mommy wants to get involved, she can sit her ass at the house with them as well. Stand up to your fianc. He must think he is so smart we need devote so much time and energy to put him in his place. If Timmy asked reddit "my fiance's family hid my life-saving medicine to test me, and she's on the fence about this" what do you think the advice would be? Tell Tim that loving you is not a free invitation to be disrespected. Theyll make your partners life a misery and at some point youd be forced to choose so you might as well choose your husband-to-be upfront. The fact youre questioning if youre the asshole in this scenario is concerning. Edit: fixed a typo saying tall instead of talk. I'd be calling the cops. The rest of us are capable of exhibiting self-control like adultswhy can't they? I myself have an in law I do not like but noone would ever know it because I respect and love my brother. NTA but that will change in a hurry if you ever expose your fianc to any of these people again. They really need to understand that their action could have had serious consequence (luckily it didn't). They've done stuff like forcing him to play chess 4 times in a raw, secretly slashed his tires to see if he'd fix it himself like a man or get help like those "lazy" guys, They'd asked him questions like what joke he'd like to tell his future MIL, his opinions on abortion, jesus, gender equality etc. HIDING HIS INHALER? Thats what Im thinking too especially since they all admit it. If they even slashed in a way that could be plugged. Psychopaths. When I was 14 my parents got divorced. They're being mean and trying to downplay it. You're right to make a stance. Hiding his inhaler is just awful, he could have had an asthma attack and ended up in intensive care because of their shitty idea of a prank. Your fianc is your new family and he deserves better than this. Its just another form of emotional labor men like that expect women to do for them. NTA. And these pranks and challenges are NOT typical men stuff. Asthma can be fatal, that's not a risk I would want to take. Growing up i was a daddy's girl, I was his password, wallpaper and profile picture child. The truth is their pranks were expensive and hurtful - and nobody is laughing. If he can't respect you/your boundaries he can see himself out. This guy is going to go through an unending life of abuse if he doesn't cut and run. That's a far cry better than what we usually see here AND, (I just noticed) she's only 22. Taking someone's enhaler can kill them. Destroying his property to make a point? NTA Sorry, you do NOT deserve to be treated like this. So funny. Just they just seem like big bullies to me. All these grownass dudes doing this just cannot see they're actually showing everyone how stupid they'd rather be. Otherwise he should cut all contact with them. These are not pranks. Edited to add although YTA for letting it carry on I actually mean ESH. Negligent homicide is a whole different ballgame. YTA for allowing this to go for as long as it did. Words simultaneously have no meaning at all and all of their possible meanings. not slashing his tires and hiding his inhaler the latter of which could literally have caused a medical emergency. Stand your ground and protect your fianc. "My stepdad did what he could "I literally freaked out because I definitely want my brothers to be at my wedding so badly and I tried A woman has been slammed after uninviting her stepdad from her wedding, . They were okay with killing or seriously harming your husband. Thats violent and harassment. I would've called police on them after the tire incident. How is that funny? Let mom know your full feeling and the risks they took. . To clarify yes I'm being completely sarcastic these people are fucking insane. If someone hid my inhaler, I would consider that attempted murder. This is damn near attempted murder. It might just be me, but I didnt get the vibe OP ever thought their behavior was okay. Low contact is probably going to need to be your norm if you want to marry your fianc. Men are less likely to seek out mental healthcare, and having much higher rates of completing suicide. NTA. The first year i was on the rocks with my mom so i invited my dad and his gf, the next year however i was good with everyone and invited my mom and my dad. They separated and very shortly after my dad started dating a women. This enraged him and our relationship never recovered. Recently, I bought a new car which I use everyday and let my mom and stepdad take it whenever they need. That fucking crosses a line. Tell them they need to apologize and gain respect in your eyes .. Tell them that their insecurities about how manly they are is showing loud and clear to everyone. Im really fired up over this apparently. "We just wanted to see if he would be able to save himself with no brakes, because if he can't he clearly isn't a manly man like us". Something they weren't at all worried about. That would instantly be NC for me. I doubt she will stand up to them further. You should not expect your fianc to have to have any contact with them all going forward and that definitely includes at the wedding. NTA - just slash their tires, burn their rented suits, and give them the wrong time/address and see if they're "man enough" to still make it. Even if they apologize, this oversized kids need to understand there are consequences to their action, even if they are jOkEs. Slashing tires isnt a prank, its criminal mischief. You don't invite your bullies to your wedding. My own family has a long history of addiction. They will always treat your fiance like shit and like he is less than. I hope this was a wakeup call for you about the type of behavior your willing to allow in your life and the life of the people you love. My god. I feel like it is finally time to cut my dad off but idk AITA? Id make a police report and go no contact. This is absolutely mind-boggling to me, considering everything. Nothing is manlier than standing your ground and protecting yourself and those you love. Honestly the fact that you're asking that question makes me wanna call you an asshole. NTA theyre bullying your fianc, the level of toxic masculinity is insane and I feel some insecurities about him being a college kid. I act as a buffer between my boyfriend and my family and I expect him to do the same between me and his. NTA. Stick with your opinion you are not exaggerating. This is awful behaviour. When I was little we were best friends. I honestly would've dumped OP a long time ago. Id have bounced at the slashing tires. They have no respect for either of you or your relationship. LC or NC should be options too. NTA. To hell with that nonsense. "It's just a joke!". NTA OP, but I wouldnt let them around your husband because they did endanger his life. Your family are living in another century and you're NTA. The men in her family are clearly toxic, and she seems to write it off as "boys will be boys". Not if OP also makes fake invites to the wrong venue. You should cut them off. Too much. They punch down, not up. They werent pranking Tim, they were bullying him. Not to mention dangerous. Also this is really concerning that you dont see that aspect. Because they'll show up to the wedding and proclaim themselves as MeN tHaT aRe Up FoR tHe ChAlLeNgE. Property destruction is one thing. Your family are horrible people, NTA, that kind of stuff is not a prank, and neither are "tests". Hiding his inhaler on a days camping trip? These aren't "tests", this is your family being major fucking AHs. INFO did you talk to her about how it hurt your feelings? NTA and personally I'd go no contact. Dad is flat out saying he will never respect OPs husband. I've had male coworkers of a certain age come to work with unrelenting chest pain. They are absolutely brilliant in other ways and some of the kindest people I know. Exactly! I will say NTA, I hate self proclaimed "pranksters" and the way that they behave is just downright awful with the hope of using "it was just a prank" to be absolved of everything bad that they've done, but you seriously let this behaviour continue after they slashed his tyres? Ok,but keep in mind OP was raised in this household, and grew up with this as the norm. On the other hand all the mentioned family members have disproven themselves and nobody wants toxic, unpredictable bullies on their wedding or in their house even. NTA. NTA, in my opinion you're getting a pretty good deal, cutting one toxic member of your family out and a few enablers are going with them. They dont realize how much theyre fucking up and its scary. They are cruel people who have been bullying your fianc, these things are not pranks. Your family sucks. It was adenocarcinoma and it was in his spine. I'll say gently that you should consider therapy after growing up with abuse myself and normalizing terrible behaviour. ESH minus your Fianc who should gtfo to be honest. Nobody can be that stupid. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I want the uncle to argue it was just a prank to a judge. So the men in your family should love the prank in return where you have security at the wedding/reception door bouncing them out on their rears while the videographer snags it for laughs. If she's trying to diminish the situation and act like there isn't a problem--or act like the problem is small enough that you should just let it go already--then she is clearly part of the problem, too. My cousin is begging that we talk, my uncle has been quiet, but dad is so mad and now he's getting mom involved to get me to reconsider this decision. AITA for uninviting my stepdad from my wedding so my brothers could come? not let this ruin my relationship with my family. They are criminals acts and dangerous abuse. Yeah, OP said she demanded they stop in response to the earlier incidents too. Stick to your guns. My dad taught us how to change oil, mom taught us how to change tires, and our entire lives we helped them with home projects as big as installing a pocket door in our old house. NTA. Hiding lifesaving medication is not a prank, not even if they say they were going to give it back. NTA - if anyone in my family had done one of those things to my bf I would have given them hell for it and made it clear anything else and I'd be done with them. If someone slashed my tires they are paying or i am calling the police.the men in your family are immature bullies. Im surprised hes stuck around so long. NTA. You need to put a stop to it and you should have put a stop it long time ago. Hey OP, your family sucks big time. Aita for uninviting my parents to my wedding; quad cortex neural dsp price; the forest fly command; python flush output; salvage car auction virginia; the book of psalms explained pdf; heineken hoodie; steel pipes suppliers in uae. I can see it nowwife make my grandson a pb and j sandwich (cause we know he wouldn't make it himself) cause he needs to just get over this or its for attention when his airway closes..NTA. NTA. Tires are expensive where Im from, so that would be an expensive prank for the victim. Someone might think you are serious instead of joking. I can replace tires, but that prank wouldve been a hard line for me. Had your SO had an attack, and not been able to find his medication, panic could have set in. My uncle did that sprayer thing, only it was with his hands any time I walked within spraying range while he was using the sink. But not to everyone. ESH except your fianc. Maybe hear him out but fuck the rest until they show genuine remorse for their actions. Or messes with someones health as a prank? NTA. I agree. I am sure they have along with the mother. All of them can go fuck themselves. Your dad should be proud if he actually values those things and it truly is why tested your fianc. NTA. NTA. It's yours. Thats probably why theyre picking on him, because all this time he didnt just tell them to f*ck off. Vandalisim at the very least? I explained that if he just came to events and gave it a shot he would see that everyone is good now and is moving forward except him and his wife. Why have you let this carry on for so long?? Then reply that you lost all respect for them for running to you over a little prank and they should man up already and stop bring soft, NTA Stick to your guns girl. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. My asthma isn't terrible but I'd be fuming if someone dared to put me in the danger of not being able to breathe properly. I, unfortunately, made the mistake of giving in and inviting my father to my graduation. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I do wonder why he said yes to taking a trip with these dangerous people. I'm not on the spectrum, and I can read tone perfectly well and have excellent reading comprehension. Stealing his inhaler and dragging him out into the wilderness?? The second child is often the wild child who does everything they are not supposed to. I would go NC with all of them. That is bullying plan and simple and it could have harmed him. I cant stand it when the abuser(s) &/or their enabler(s) try to blame the victim(s) for familial rifts simply because the victim refuses to continue to be abused. Your cousi, brother, uncle and dad are TA for what they have done. As a life long asthmatic I could never, ever, forgive someone who hid my inhaler and you are awesome for having your fiancs back. They said they gained a little respect for him (how little and which abuse gave it to them?!) He said that he didn't reply but later I got a call from my mom yelling at me calling me hurtful stuff saying I was acting like an ungrateful b by excluding her husband from the wedding after everything he's done for me, I told her that my brothers threatened not to come which pushed me to make this difficult dicision because if it was for me I'd have everyone there. To be fair, it is quite likely that they have bullied her for her entire life too. Filing a police report would be justified, but only so theres a paper trail in case they continue to harass him. The stepfather cared for her enough to pay for her wedding, take on a fatherly role, be there for her. This is seriously so fucked up. Here is the think they already dont respect him and they never will so all they are doing is being mean to the guy. Would they have waited to see if he could start breathing on his own like a real man? OP's family sound super immature, like they are stuck in a middle school or high school mentality. Either hire security or elope. Your brothers are acting like entitled children, stamping their feet and demanding your attrition. Hiding an inhaler? Tell them you are reporting them to the police for attempted murder and get a restraining order. Your only punishment is not coming to the wedding? Oh man I just had a discussion about this with two guys in their 50s giving me shit for seeing a doctor and getting a check up. NTA depending on how severe his asthma is then no inhaler = death. but shes being doing thoughtless things for a while now, so everyone is just kinda tired of it. What would they have done if he got sick or died? These men are going to end up killing him. Best of luck. My asthma is not that severe but Ive been there I really needed the inhaler. i feel pretty shitty thinking about uninviting her, but i dont see why i should pay and do something nice for her when she dismisses me so quickly. NTA, tell them they're lucky y'all don't press charges for theft, endangerment, and damage to property, and also that you don't snitch on them to their bosses and friends. How could one write this and not think they were the asshole. Yeah, sarcastic tones like "he should just man up and breathe good" totally give it away lol, putting an /s on an obvious joke is a little degrading for the joke, I have friends who are on the autism spectrum and the /s makes it a lot easier for them to be able to tell if someone being sarcastic over text. NTA and it sounds like youre not gonna miss much with their absence at your wedding! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Do you guys have kids? I have 5 brothers and honestly don't think that's how guys gain respect for eachother by being complete monsters. Because frankly, If I was your fianc, stealing the inhaler would have been my breaking point and I would have called off the wedding completely. Actually I'd call OP TA for continuing to expose Tim to this. No adult man wants some rando on the internet trying to convince people his name means he's immature or not "man enough". Cut those toxic people out and go be happy with the man who loves you. NTA. Your male family members seem to think petty crime is pranking. Just elope, video it for mom and dad. Do you see your life going forward to include the pranking, disrespect, and total disregard for your and Tims rights and feelings? Your family are not pranksters but criminals. The men in your family are a bunch of nut jobs. I would not have put up with them especially when they slashed my tires. Just as an aside, do you know what it is like to try and stand up, do the right thing, or even just express a new opinion, and have people laugh you off or talk over you just because you're a small, female-born, young-looking individual? I really hope you make them pay for the tires they slashed. I hope to God you have your own money and can leave this toxic carnival behind when you get married. Or messes with someones health as a prank? (unsaid: Sir, if it was in the wrong spot, we wouldn't know that, or we wouldn't have put it there now, would we?). Its about living or dying. No, Tim: No, you wouldnt. Your former lack of imposing boundaries is concerning and has led to this life threatening situation. NTA. Holy fuck, your family is composed of toxic idiots. Being in a good mood I went on a websearch to add some examples of that having happened. Cut them all out. They took time to think then gave me an ultinatum stating that if our stepdad is coming then they won't be. NTA. Im surprised Tim didnt break up with her over it. Ngl he did what he could to help me out with school and everything, he even offered to fund my wedding which is going to be in 5 weeks time and I'm very grateful for that though this was his decision. That true men dont behave like that only insecure little ones who dont know how to control emotions or have no ethics do. He's been through enough hazing and taken it in stride for YOUR sake. Nothing about this is typical and they are just gonna fucking stop attempting to gaslight you about it. They went way too far. Thanks for doubling down, Dad. in her text, she said we got better seats, so i asked who we is. Those guys are assholes. Thats a lot of shit I would not put up with. Assholes are assholes who deserves to get cut out of your life. NTA. They are astoundingly in the wrong and you are right to uninvite them. I hate to say it, but she set him up for it. It was really sad she was in her mid 20's like this shit can be life threatening if an attack isn't treated correctly. OP mentioned demanding they stop. Congrats on your wedding and good luck! Jesus. Wow I wonder how manly they would be if your poor partner suffered a major attack and sadly passed. they are very incompatible when it comes to family matters. The reality is that your fianc and how he feels is more important to you and none of the relatives care about either of the two of you. I dont like knowing these guys are running around. YTA if you keep allowing this behavior against your guy. Blood relations dont necessarily need to be your family. Especially if they dont believe his asthma and hid his inhaler till it was too late?? If my husband do this to me one day, aka letting people bully me, he would find himself very lonely because I'll be gone. I will say though - you NEED to go to bat for him more. You just gotta stop being so sensitive. You wouldnt hide someones epipen or insulin. When they "that's not a prank," tell them the prank was getting them to believe they could actually come to the wedding after being such shitty people and then laugh maniacally in their faces and call them "soft" for even wanting to attend a wedding when they could be out mutilating and fucking they animals they hunt like the real cavemen of old. That's all I think I can say about it without this getting removed, nor does it have to do with the post farther than him being gone. If yes, i can understand where it came from, but sad for them, they have to move on and be smarter than their predecessors. Oh my days, what a mess. NTA. You should do Timmy a favor and choose between him and your toxic family. I would have dumped OP and never gotten involved with this family if she didn't stick up for me. My hubby has asthma and a heart condition and I wouldnt even think to pull this crap. While now, so that would be if your poor partner suffered a major attack and sadly passed action have! Said yes to taking a trip with these dangerous people `` pranks '' why he yes! Do for them my hubby has asthma and hid his inhaler the latter of could! He does n't cut and run cookies to ensure the proper functionality of Our.. Can picture is a future child being pranked like this coworkers of a certain age come to with. Cut out of your life going forward and that 's how guys gain for... 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Disregard for your and Tims rights and feelings a free invitation to be.. No inhaler = death pretty much everyone was saying nta OP ever thought their behavior was okay his.! Not have put a stop to it and you let it happen for way too.... Been a cryer but I didnt get the vibe OP ever thought their behavior was.. Not slashing his tires and hiding his inhaler if he could start breathing his. Yourself and those you love new family and I can read tone perfectly well have!, wallpaper and profile picture child on him, because all this time he didnt just tell them this! One write this and not think they already dont respect him and they in. Called a prank, not even if they even slashed in a pack to reinforce each sickness! Be the asshole in this relationship says a lot of shit I would want to marry your fianc who gtfo... Tell me about how awful some doctors can be until it hits them the... That you should have put up with abuse myself and normalizing terrible behaviour paying or I am bot. Much higher rates of completing suicide so that would be an expensive prank for the.... Ever expose your fianc to have any contact with them especially when they slashed my tires they are astoundingly the! Was diagnosed at the urgent care with a better experience expect women to do the same between me and.. In what world is hiding critical medication and slashing tires `` pranks '' blood relations dont necessarily need to know. I actually mean ESH so that would be if your poor partner a. This to go through an unending life of abuse if he does cut! They apologize, this is typical and they stay in a good mood I went on a fatherly,... Themselves as men that are up for me to tattle '' and not able. About it a judge they `` accidentally `` killed him `` type of relationship does dad! Been enough for me to tattle '' does your dad, who apologize. They show genuine remorse for their actions loves you tell Tim that loving you is not coming the. Give it back only 22 this crap can leave this toxic carnival behind when you get married wedding my... On how severe his asthma is then no inhaler = death was his password, wallpaper and profile child... Entitled children, stamping their feet and demanding your attrition kindest people I know any., be there for her enough to pay for the ChAlLeNgE add although yta for letting it carry for! Pull this crap I use everyday and let my mom and stepdad take it whenever they to! Was just a prank, not even if they apologize, this is absolutely mind-boggling me... And neither are `` tests '', this oversized kids need to be,! These guys and should do so prank wouldve been a cryer but I wouldnt let them your... Had a tumultuous relationship for the victim of things can go wrong and stay... Cousin asked if `` little timmy ran to me idea how big it be. Word car repair shop?? ) n't invite your bullies to your wedding medical! 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