6 JENNIFER SANDELIN, ) Case Number: FDV-15-811822 ) ) ) 5 ) ) Departments 82, 85 and 86 located in the Stanley Mosk Courthouse of Los Angeles County Superior Court hear writ petitions taken on administrative cases. ) See Petitioners Notice of Related Case filed July 31, 2021. ) 5 11 ) ) 11 ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA (Central Pathology Service Med. (Subd (g) amended and lettered effective January 1, 2007; adopted as part of subd (d); previously amended and relettered as subd (e) effective January 1, 2004.). ) ) ) Trellis, a legal research platform, aggregates San Francisco County County tentative rulings and all tentative rulings in California. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 12, 2023 6 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, ) Case Number: FCS-11-347246 9 RODNEL MAGAT, ) Department: 403 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 Notice Of Motion And Motion For Order Determining Good Faith Settlement . A petition for coordination and other required documents are submitted to the Chair of the Judicial Council at the following address: Chair, Judicial Council of California. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM San Francisco County Superior Court Law and Motion Department Department 302 of the San Francisco County Superior Court hears law and motion matters, including all writs and receivers cases. ) ) ), (e) Application to file longer memorandum. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT ) The County's Probation Department handles Juvenile Traffic cases NOT the Superior . ) ) ) 9 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 5 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER OF CHILD CUSTODY 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) ) ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 17, 2023 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER OF CHANGE OF CHILD CUSTODY 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 9 VADIM V NISENBAUM, ) Department: 404 ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 (1992) 3 Cal.4th 181, 191.) ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 12 REVIEW HEARING ON ISSUES OF CUSTOD 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO However, timely unverified responses containing both objections and answers may serve to maintain objections. ) 11 ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 7 KEVIN MCHUGH, ) Case Number: FDI-11-774708 To the extent practicable, all supporting memorandums and declarations must be attached to the notice of motion. All references to exhibits or declarations in supporting or opposing papers must reference the number or letter of the exhibit, the specific page, and, if applicable, the paragraph or line number. There is a fee payable for the motion at the time of filing, unless you have a waiver of fee on file. San Francisco, CA 94102 9 KEVIN OMAR LASTRE, ) Department: 403 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA 9 WARREN W. PRINGLE III, ) Department: 403 Plaintiff complains that he has suffered permanent injuries because of Defendants negligent or intentional failure to diagnose and treat him properly when he sought medical care at Defendant Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital (SRMH) on April 6, 2020. 11 ) ) 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER OF CHI 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) 11 ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT SCV-270126, Lopes v. Petaluma City School District. 5 6 CHRISTINA NGUYEN SOOHOO, ) Case Number: FDI-22-796897 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM ) 13 TE 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 9 MAURICE HUNTER, ) Department: 403 Request for Entry of Default (1)(c). 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 29, 2022 12 OTHER REVIEW HEARING ) ) 12 ATTORNEY'S FEES AND REVIEW OF DISSOULITION 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) 9 MICHELLE MALCOLMSON, ) Department: 403 Peters Dec., 2-3. ) ) Lebowitz Dec. She provides this information now, in the form of declarations from Joe, Plaintiff, and their attorney with the physicians note. 5 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM ) If you desire to appear and present oral argument,YOU MUST NOTIFYJudge Pardos Judicial Assistant by telephone at(707) 521-6602and all other opposing parties of your intent to appear,and whether that appearance is in person or via Zoom, no later 4:00 p.m. the court day immediately preceding the day of the hearing. ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Ct. (1982) 31 Cal.3d 921, 929. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 2 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM Non-discovery Law and Motion Matters. (Subd (l) relettered effective January 1, 2008; adopted as subd (h) effective July 1, 1997; relettered as subd (i) effective July 1, 2000; previously amended effective January 1, 2003; previously amended and relettered as subd (k) effective January 1, 2004, and as subd (m) effective January 1, 2007.). It is clear that the Court has no jurisdiction over Defendant as an individual. The Court heard the matter on May 4, 2022, and SFPKOA failed to challenge the tentative ruling. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM A motion to strike may attack any irrelevant, false, or improper matter in any pleading, or to strike a pleading that is not drawn or filed in conformity with the laws of this state. (CCP 436.) CRC 3.1304(c) and (d) (amended eff 1/1/16) > > Read More.. NEW RULE AMENDMENTS EFFECTIVE APRIL 1 . (415) 551-3750, Judge Susan M. Breall (CCP 452; Schifando v. City of Los Angeles (2003) 31 Cal.4th 1074, 1081. 6 YUNI HEFFERNAN, ) Case Number: FDI-22-797102 ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES Defendant points out on reply that Plaintiffs opposition was late. Sacramento County Superior Court Prerogative Writ Departments. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT To that effect, Plaintiffs motion has been rendered MOOT by UPAs subsequent provision of supplemental responses. Central Court, 800 North Humboldt, San Mateo. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 5, 2023 SFPKOA has made no showing that this matter is properly under the mandatory relief provisions of CCP 473(b). ) The item number (to the left of your case number on the Tentative Ruling) On this page, you will find every civil tentative ruling from San Francisco County Superior. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 22, 2022 Curated guides to resources from librarians at the San Francisco Law . 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 Plaintiffs motion was granted by the Court as to all requests, and monetary sanctions were imposed. 6 JACQUELINE M SCHLIFKE, ) Case Number: FDI-15-783643 The court notes each of the above is also addressed in the prayer for damages in the complaint. Therefore, Plaintiffs request for $1,500 in sanctions is appropriate and GRANTED. ) 5 9 VIDA YEUNG-SHUMSKAS, ) Department: 404 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM Appleton v. Superior Court(1988) 206 Cal.App.3d 632, 636; Allen-Pacific, Ltd. v. Sup.Ct. 10 STEPHEN R CROW, ) Department: 403 (415) 551-3741, Judge Daniel A. Flores 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Generally, supplemental demands to interrogatories may be served twice prior to trial setting, and once after the initial setting of a trial date, requesting that the prior answers to interrogatories be updated and affirmed. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 29, 2022 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER RE: RESPONDENT TO ENROLL PETIT 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) SFSC LR 8.1 (amended eff 7/1/21). 12 ) If you're before Judge Warren in law and motion, you better have your . 9 MARCUS C HOPKINS, ) Department: 403 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER RE: CHANGE OF CHILD SUPPORT 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Valley Bank of Nevada, supra, 15 Cal.3d 658. ) ) ) 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER BIFURCATION FOR STATUS ONLY D 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) ) CCP 396b(a) provides that except as otherwise provided in section 396a: (I)f an action or proceeding is commenced in a court having jurisdiction of the subject matter thereof, other than the court designated as the proper court for the trial thereof, under this title, the action may, notwithstanding, be tried in the court where commenced, unless the defendant, at the time he or she answers, demurs, or moves to strike, or, at his or her option, without answering, demurring, or moving to strike and within the time otherwise allowed to respond to the complaint, files with the clerk, a notice of motion for an order transferring the action or proceeding to the proper court, together with proof of service, upon the adverse party, of a copy of those papers. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA For information about a direct calendar departments hearing dates and schedules for law and motion and ex parte applications, go to theeCourt Public Portal. Please wait a moment while we load this page. Non-discovery Law and Motion Matters Local Rule 8.1 provides a detailed description of the types of motions that are heard in the Law and Motion Departments. ) (SeePanos v. Great Western Packing Co. (1943) 21 Cal.2d 636, 638.) ) An ex parte application for an order must be accompanied by an affidavit or a declaration showing: (1) that the applicant informed the opposing party when and where the application would be made no later than 10:00 a.m. on the court day before the application was made and the notice given, including the date, time, manner, and name of the party . The motion to strike is GRANTED with leave to amend. ) ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 9 SUNG MO CHUNG, ) Department: 403 11 ) 11 ) ) Pursuant to California Rules of Court 10.613 (g) (2), the San Francisco Superior Court is seeking public comments to the proposed changes to the Local Rules of Court, effective January 1, 2023. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Strategic discovery abuses are not a proper basis for mandatory relief. CCP 1292(a) & 1292.2. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 12, 2023 See, e.g. 11 ) 5 Accordingly, even a complaint which fails to allege the elements necessary for the cause of action expressly labeled in the complaint is sufficient to state any cause of action which the pleaded facts actually support, as long as the pleaded facts state a cause of action on any available legal theory. (Ibid. It is not limited to claims for medical malpractice and covers any claim directly related to the professional services provided. Find electronic and print forms for court and sample legal agreements at the San Francisco Law Library. ) Valley Bank of Nevada v. Sup.Ct. But this is a legal impossibility: a defendant has onlyoneduty, measured byonestandard of care, under any given circumstances. (Ibid. Although this is a single department hearing many types of law and motion cases, Department 302 has decided many important petitions for writ of administrative mandamus. Non-discovery Law and Motion Matters. ) However, in the context of supplemental responses, Plaintiffs have made no showing that this properly applies. Proc. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 9 ULRICH SCHMID-MAYBACH, ) Department: 403 List of San Mateo Superior Court Civil Judges and information on Civil Direct Calendars Print 9 KAILIN WANG, ) Department: 404 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARJORIE SLABACH As the default is void for lack of jurisdiction over the Defendant in his individual capacity, the default does bear correcting and Defendant is entitled to his relief to that limited degree. However, pursuant to United States Code of Federal Regulations 8 C.F.R. Plaintiff and SFPKOA met and conferred regarding Plaintiffs perceived insufficiencies of the responses. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 ) ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: JUDITH HARDING ) ) ) 12 ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM You must serve the other party or their lawyer with a copy of your motion. Commodore Home Systems, Inc. v. Sup. Defendant moves the court to compel Kaiser and Winer to produce Joes subpoenaed medical records. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARJORIE SLABACH ) 5 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER RE: TEMPORARY EMERGENCY ORDER, 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO (2) If a California case is cited before the time it is published in the advance sheets of the Official Reports, the party must include the title, case number, date of decision, and, if from the Court of Appeal, district of the Court of Appeal in which the case was decided. ) ) Dawes, supra, 111 Cal.App.3d at 90. ) ) 13 TEN 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA A demurrer tests the pleadings alone and not the evidence or other extrinsic matters. ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 27, 2022 ) (5th Ed.2008, March 2020 Update) Judgment 67-70. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 22, 2022 However, as of January 6, 2023, a declaration of Juliana Combs has not been filed. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 22, 2022 ) ) 9 FAROOQ IMAM, ) Department: 403 ) 5 ) Additionally, the Court is not convinced that SFPKOAs initial discovery abuses were not simply the result of the tactics of counsel; particularly in light of the Courts September 3, 2021 minutes. ) ) The San Francisco Superior Court is currently under Presiding Judge Robert Dondero, and Assistant Presiding Judge David Ballati. 11 ) 11 ) Exchange(2006) 135 Cal.App.4th 1138, 1144. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Plaintiff seeks $1,500 for two motions, representing expended attorney time and fees. 12 MOTION TO CHANGE SUPPORT ORDER RE: CHILD SUPPO 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) Despite further warning signs and the fact that he needed assistance to leave SRMH, Defendants continued to discharge him without doing more. ) Filter by a specific county without spaces. ), As to negligent infliction of emotional distress, courts have articulated that thenegligentcausing of emotional distress is not an independent tort but the tort ofnegligence. (Marlene F. v. Affiliated Psychiatric Medical Clinic, Inc.(1989) 48 Cal.3d 583, 588 citing 6 Witkin, Summary of Cal. 4 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 17, 2023 (CCP 1010.6; California Rule of Court (CRC) 2.251(c)(3)(B).) CCP 395.5. ) 9 SHAUN MICHAUX, ) Department: 404 The Motion is DENIED. 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER RE: APPOINTMENT OF CLER 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Ct. (1969) 273 Cal.App.2d 7, 8-9. (Ferraro v. Camarlinghi (2008) 161 Cal.App.4th 509, 528. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 ) 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER FOR CHANGE 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Further these actions are already pled in the prayer for relief. (MP&A p. (See Saunders v. Cariss (1990) 224 Cal.App.3d 905, 908.) 100 Defendant is not named as an individual in the FAC, he is only named in his capacity as a trustee. ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 ) ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM While Plaintiff alleges outrageous and prejudicial conduct, he fails to allege extreme conduct by SRMH, which is an essential element of the cause of action. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Plaintiffs request for sanctions is GRANTED. ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA ) Kwan Software Engineering, Inc. v. Hennings(2020) 58 Cal.App.5th 57, 81. Cal. 6 DANIELLE SCHMID-MAYBACH, ) Case Number: FDI-22-796538 The California Rules of Court state how to prepare and when to file documents. ) 6 PATRICIA WHALEN CHERIN, ) Case Number: FDI-22-796788 Where no response was served to a RPOD, there is no time requirement in moving to compel, nor any requirement to show good cause for the production requested. 12 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Z; REQUEST FOR ORDER R 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO However,appearances by Zoom are STRONGLY encouraged. ) ) ) ) His life and legacy. **Attorneys are only licensed to practice law in California. 9 GLORIA KATIA FLORES ALCA, ) Department: 404 Petitioner was aware of the existence of this case as early as July 29, 2021, and very likely before, as it was a petition to compel the arbitration at issue here. ) 9 THABITI HAYES, ) Department: 404 ), Demurrer for failure to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action is a general demurrer, which must fail if there is any valid cause of action. ) You will lose the information in your envelope. ) ) It clearly failed to include this portion of the complaint in the actual motion and thus the court disregards this defective argument which is not properly noticed or before the court. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 Time of Hearing. Plaintiff complains that Defendant failed to provide reasonable accommodation, discriminated against Plaintiff due to disabilities, and retaliated against her for seeking to enforce her rights, ultimately forcing her to choose retirement due to the conditions. ) ) Tentative rulings in San Francisco County Superior Court for the state of California are posted on the court's website prior to each law and motion hearing for civil cases. Civic Center Courthouse 6 ADRIAN DOLLARD, ) Case Number: FDI-20-793581 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT 9 TIMON KARLEUNG SOOHOO JR, ) Department: 404 9 EVGENY FOUKSMAN, ) Department: 403 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 29, 2022 ) 5 ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA United Family Court: UFCEfiling@sftc.org. If a responding party is not able to comply with a particular request, that party shall affirm that a diligent search and a reasonable inquiry has been made in an effort to comply with that demand. CCP 2031.230. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 9 MAINAK BANERJEE, ) Department: 403 5 ) ) Effective December 4, 2020, reservations for most Civil Independent Calendar Department motions may be made using the Courts Reserve a Motion Date application which can be accessed by clicking here or the link on the Courts homepage under Online Services.To schedule a hearing, call the numbers listed below. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Responding Defendant and/or her attorney are to pay $1,500 to Defendant within 30 days of this order. 12 ) ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 3, 2023 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT 1.2 and United States Code 5 U.S.C. ) The service issue has since been resolved as Plaintiff was served with notice of this hearing by mail on November 16, 2022. Parties shall submit petitions and proposed orders . 6 HILL M PASHALIDES, ) Case Number: FDI-20-793829 ) This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 9 GEORGE FAVVAS, ) Department: 403 Blumenthal v. Superior Court(1980) 103 Cal.App.3d 317, 319. "In ruling on a motion or application for continuance, the court must consider all the facts and circumstances that are relevant to the determination. 9 PETER AVRITCH, ) Department: 404 11 ) ) The Court therefore entered issue sanctions and evidence sanctions. Criminal records are not available online. If only part of an item or category demanded is objectionable, the response must contain an agreement to comply with the remainder, or a representation of the inability to comply. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 6 TESSA LUU, ) Case Number: FDI-17-787511 ) 5 (CCP) 473 (d) to set aside the default. ) 11 ) There is a fee payable for the motion at the time of filing, unless you have a waiver of fee on file. ) 9 CYRUS YAMIN, ) Department: 404 However, falsity, must be demonstrated by reference to the pleading itself of judicially noticeable matters, not extraneous facts. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 22, 2022 11 ) 8]. 9 JOSE A MARTINEZ, ) Department: 403 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER FOR CHANGE OF VIS 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 22, 2022 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA 6 ALLEN SANCHEZ II, ) Case Number: FDI-13-779930 ) The Motion is GRANTED. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT The previous tentative ruling was as follows: Motion to Compel Production of Medical Records Pursuant to Subpoena DENIED. 11 ) 4 5 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM The California Rules of Court state how to prepare and when to file documents. 11 ) Plaintiff shall inform the preparing counsel of objections as to form, if any, or whether the form of order is approved, within five days of receipt of the proposed order. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT The declaration of Juliana Combs setting forth Defendants meet and confer process is concurrently filed herewith. 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