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Time is nothing in Your eyes, and a single day is like a thousand years. Celine chose one item that pleased her. Instead, everything was dryness and desolation. God made himself vulnerable in Jesus Christ he put himself in need of our love and mercy for the sake offriendship. I seek and desire souls like you, but they are few. 2 "My office duties were not onerous; I was able to spend many hours roaming in the magnificent hills. I say it has the potential, because its up to ns whether or not well let it. But hers is not die unhealdiy preoccupation with suffering that marked her early religious life. When he returned four hours later and everybody had forgotten about it, she ran at once to Marie, saying: Mane, hurry and tell Papa I tore the paper. Then she awaited her sentence as if she were a criminal (Story ofa Soul, pp. In what follows, Id like to say more about this invitation to Jesus, the Divine Mercy, explain how to make it, and dien describe how to enthrone die image. Youll be purified by love and, if you live die Litde Way and die Offering, you need have no fear of purgatory.180 Moreover, your heart will receive healing graces that will make it more sensitive and compassionate to die suffering of others. Just as a torrent, throwing itself with impetuosity into the ocean, drags after it everything it encounters in its passage, in the same way, O Jesus, the soul who plunges into the shoreless ocean of Your Love, draws with her all the treasures she possesses. 202 Pope Pius XI does use the term console in his encyclical letter, Miserentissimus Redemptor, when he describes how we can make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Now if, because of our sins also which were as yet in the future, but were foreseen, the soul of Christ became sorrowful unto death, it cannot be doubted that then, too, already He derived somewhat of solace from our reparation, which was likewise foreseen, when there appeared to him an angel from heaven (Lk 22:13), in order that His Heart, oppressed with weariness and anguish, might find consolation. The Offering, thereby, makes life both sweet and terrible (in a good way!) After all, we know that as he suffered on the Cross, the God-Man knew and loved us each and all.203 But why? When we give it, look out! So, with that in mind, 1 knew exactly what he was getting at regarding the Offering to Merciful Love. So dont forget to smile. This highlights the truth that asking for rejected mercy is not a selfish act, and it doesnt take graces away from others. Now, of course, as we learned on Days 20 and 21, St. Therese has already composed such a marvelous prayer. She felt it was inaccurate. ?] Rather, the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph had an ordinary life of work, recreation, and prayer. O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You. In her Letter 197, she powerfully expresses this idea: [T]he weaker one is, without desires or virtues, the more suited one is for the workings of this consuming and transforming Love [B]ut we must consent to remain always poor and without strength, and this is die difficulty Ah! On this same topic, St. Faustina wrote the following about herself: There is no soul more wretched than 1 am, as I truly know myself, and I am astounded that divine Majesty stoops so low (440). 42 Story of a Soul, p. 98. But here, I want us to better appreciate what we learned over those days by putting it in the context of a prophetic announcement for the present time of mercy in the Church. Specifically, her prayer of offering herself to Merciful Love caused Gods mercy to overflow from her little soul and out to the whole world. In fact, in die very Gospel that records Jesus saying, I thirst from the Cross, on the very night he entered into his Passion, Jesus says to us, No longer do I call you slaves but I have called you friends (Jn 15:15). Now, lest we think that Therese is alone in boldly speaking about not fearing God and being so familiar with him, we read the following from St. Faustina: Even if I were to hear the most terrifying tilings about Gods justice, I would not fear Him at all, because I have come to know Him well (Diary, 589). So, blame Abraham! While I already shared how it happened in the book Consoling the Heart ofJesus, I think its worth repeating this week as we ponder the question, What is trust? and on this day, specifically, as we reflect on Marys Song of Faith. First, 1 learned the connection between praise and trust during a pilgrimage to the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, when I was a seminarian. So, what about Marys faith? Perhaps we didnt stop long enough to get a good grasp on what the worlds darkness is all about. . I say that because, as Scripture teaches, the measure with which we measure will be measured back to us (see Lk 6:38). I discov ered hidden treasures in Thereses teaching that made me say over and over, Why havent I heard this before? Its Gods being moved to compassion at seeing our suffering (heart) and then taking action to help alleviate it (arms). Francis P. Havey - Book for Priests, 251 pp. We get washed in the wonderful flood of his Merciful Love. Oh, how' beyond comprehension is Gods mercy! But this greatness is not whats usually thought of as greatness. We may have to hope against hope in Gods promise of mercy. 213 While Im using the word family here in the traditional sense, other groups of people who live together (without being in the state of sin) could also make this offering. My Heart drinks only of the ingratitude and forgetfulness of souls living in the world. In fact, it made her so filled with confidence in God's love for her that she concluded the manuscript as follows: aHow will this story of a little white flower' come to an end? 141 St. Therese often described her Little Way as a path that excludes fear, which makes sense because There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear (1 Jn 4:18). *Groups can decide to go through the 33 Days to Merciful Love Retreat Companion and the Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story series without going through Stages One and Two of the Hearts Afire Program. If you had understood the story of my little bird, you would not have asked me this question. She is therefore blessed, because she has believed, and continues to believe day after day during the years of the hidden life at Nazareth.16 So, the hidden life of the Holy Family all that time from Jesus childhood and adolescence that we hear almost nothing about in Sacred Scripture was not only hidden from us but, in a certain sense, was hidden from Mary, too! Well, her thinking may have gone something like this: Here is a great king! Going back to the beginning, back to Day 1, we learned that sin comes from a lack of trust in Gods goodness, a lack of faith in God and his Word. Day of Consecration 'The Happy Day' JT)l HAPPY. We wonder if the sun is still up there. By diat, I mean were probably not yet at a point where we can grasp the Little Way and die Offering to Merciful Love in a single gaze, as St. John Paul II put it. I mean, why should we get excited about Gods abundant mercy for sinners if we dont really think were sinners? Based on the book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, by Fr. Fill my heart with a faith-filled song ofpraise and thanksgiving to God for his tender love and mercy! Its called Tou Did It to Me1: A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action (Stockbridge: Marian Press, 2014). As Abraham had the stars and Mary had the words of Elizabeth, you have Thereses smile. We console Jesus Heart when we go to him just as we are it breaks his Heart when we dont. I hope youll find these three recommen dations helpful for learning to see through the lens of mercy. We console him by loving him, letting him love us, and by allowing him to have mercy on us and save us. 'ilni :l> ' It:.'! Here is a king whose reign will last forever! After all, St. Pius X called her the greatest saint of modern times,31 and in 1997, she became one of only 33 Doctors of the Church.32 So, sure, God lifts up the lowly. I myself will attend to the sanctification of such souls. I say that because, during his homily for the dedication of the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow Lagiewniki, Poland, on August 17, 2002, the Pope entrusted the whole world to Divine Mercy and included a passage from the Diary of St. Faustina that speaks of the Lords final coming: Today, therefore, in this Shrine, I wish solemnly to entrust the world to Divine Mercy. One result of that heightened sensitivity is a deeper feeling of longing for God. And, again, the death Therese implicitly says in the flight of her soul to God as makes this point a bit more Diary: of love allows one to bypass purgatory as text of the Offering when she describes the being without any delay. Saint Faustina explicit in the following passage from her Gods mercy sometimes touches the sinner at the last moment in a wondrous and mysterious way. But why couldnt he work the big ones? The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive. It means that if we fall into discouragement or despair, well make an effort to get right back up, right back to trusting in Gods mercy. Consider this: Jesus once told St. Faustina Saint Faustina If I were to reveal to you the whole misery that you are, you would die of terror.144 Now, I hesitate to bring up that quote, because 1 dont want little souls to begin beating themselves up and tailing into discouragement. Truly blessed is she who provides us with such a personal and perfect example of trust! 194 While the idea that we can console Jesus die Head of the Mystical Body sometimes causes difficulty for people, the idea that we can console Jesus in the members of his Body is usually not a. problem. Let the rays of grace enter your soul; they bring with them light, warmth, and life (1486). Michael Gaitley shows us the power of just such an offering to Merciful Love in the lives of the greatest saints of our time, methodically prepares us to follow their lead, and reveals what it can mean to us and the men and women of our time if and when we do. Again, because Mary is the New Eve. Just remember to count back 33 days from the feast itself, with the day of consecration (the feast day) being the thirty-forth day. Sadly, the Offering to Merciful Love is one of the best-kept secrets in the Catholic Church. Abrahams whole walk with God was a walk of faith. Ifyou say yes to this Offering, then it seems that Jesus would be happy not to hold back the waves of what? Hold it for a few moments and enjoy. Moreover, such a martyrdom is very sweet171 and purifies the soul completely, leaving no trace of sin or punishment, which means it will not have to pass through the fire of purgatory. The distinction between mortal and venial sin, already evident in Scripture, became part of the tradition of the Church. 197 Ibid., 1120. 9. With exquisite timing in this Jubilee Year, Fr. Jesus is anxious to help that soul, and if it is faithful to this grace from God, it can very soon attain die highest holiness possible for a creature here on earth. Especially bless those who visit our home may they experience your mercy here. After all, the very definition of compassion is to suffer with. But this kind of suffering is not so scary. Its going to be on St. Therese of Lisieux and her Little Way. Still, to humor him, I replied, Oh, yeah, what book is that? For the second time, Mark changed my life. For instance, and this is just one example among many, we read: Holiness does not consist in saying pretty things, not even in thinking or feeling them! If that sounds like crazy talk, dont blame me blame the devil! Based on the book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, by Fr. Not by necessity but by his free choice, God allowed himself, in Jesus Christ, to feel a need for our love. She kept trusting throughout the darkness. Make the Sign of the Cross 2. Dark clouds creep in and cover up the sun (what St. Ignatius calls desolation). And while Therese begins her Offering to Merciful Love by expressing her desire to become a saint, she wants to become one specifically to console the Heart ofJesus, who longs to make us holy through his Mercifiil Love. Specifically, hell lift the veil of his glory and approach us at the end with such a beautiful radiance of love and mercy that we wont be able to stand it. Remember, the Little Way is based on St. Thereses deep rediscovery of the heart of the Gospel, namely, Gods mercy for sinners, Gods love that goes out especially to the weak, broken, and sinful. I love him she said, looking at her crucifix. Well, she actually would be if she were telling us we can expect to go straight to heaven without sorrow for our sins and without making a firm purpose of amendment. Iff had listened to you I would not be here now.111 So, the moral of the story is that we can choose the path of justice or that of mercy. It is with joy I shall contemplate You on the Last Day carrying the scepter of Your Cross. In other words, its a setting of oneself apart for God for the purpose of becoming an instrument of his mercy through Mary, the Mother of Mercy. I wish, then, to be clothed in Your own Justice and to receive from Your Love die eternal possession of Yourself [Allow] die waves of infinite tenderness shut up within You to overflow into my soul.148 100 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE Clearly, Therese is confident that God will let her borrow his own love so she can love him perfectly in return. And while the Mass truly does make present the sublime worship of heaven, our eyes remain blind to the myriad of angels praising the Lord, the countless throng of saints gathered around the altar, and die overwhelming glory of Our Savior giving himself over to our loving and merciful Father. If through weakness I sometimes fall, may Your Divine Glance cleanse my soul immediately, consuming all my imperfections like the fire that transforms everything into itself. WEEK FOUR: Into the Darkness 111 Her breathing suddenly became weaker and more laboured. The reason has to do with her revolutionary approach to two virtues: magnanimity and humility. 14 RedemptorisMater, 12. At the same time, it consoles her. So, in a way, you might say diat die Image of Divine Mercy is Jesus own heart medication. Alright, so we acknowledge that God is completely selfsufficient and content. Well hear about that terrible trial tomorrow. It means being sorry for our sins, making a firm resolution not to sin again, and never making a truce with sin. She knew that after God con quers us and humbles us with his love, he then saves us with love by giving us his own divine love. 25 Story ofa Soul, p. 188. We know the rest of the story. It seems to me that if all creatures had received die same graces I received, God would be feared by none but would be loved to the point of folly; and through love, not through fear, no one would ever consent to cause Him any pain. You might say, then, diat die New Eve is Gods secret weapon because our wound doesn't have to do with her. After she asked if it were possible even for someone like her to hope to go straight to heaven after death, Therese replied, Yes! Well, it was only after I discovered the Litde Way and offered myself to Merciful Love more than 15 years ago diat I began to experience true peace and joy a peace and joy diat remain with me even to diis day. Alright, so when we pray the Chaplet, the intention of this supercharged moment of the Mass becomes very focused. 148 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE 2. That is, we call down (fiat) the Lords blood and water (mercy) into our emptiness. Therese of Lisieux, trans. 85 Cited in The Power of Confidence, p. 167. 8 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE RETREAT COORDINATOR'S GUIDE PART ONE OVERVIEW THE HEARTS AFIRE PROGRAM The 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat falls within Stage Three of the Hearts Afire program. Think of it! He kept pestering me. 171 Saint John of the Cross, The Living Flame of Love, commentary on stanza 1, line 6 (cited in Gaucher, p. 221). Its to believe Thereses word in Letter 197 that it is confidence and nothing but confidence that must lead us to Love. Its to trust the word of the greatest saint of modern times when she tells us in that same letter that her only treasure is the blind hope that I have in [Gods] mercy. Its to listen to her ask us, Why cant that treasure be ours? And its to realize, That treasure can be mine, if I cling to Gods mercy with trust. Try So, to live the Little Way, we must recognize our weakness and trust in Gods mercy and we must also keep trying. 3. 62 Cited in With Empty Hands, pp. 38-39. The repentant sinner, who sins again and again because of his weakness, will find forgiveness if he acknowledges his need for mercy. 125 Cited by Patrick Ahern, in Maurice and Therese: The Story of a Love (New York: Doubleday, 1998), p. 139. Our Father 4. Really. Maybe its just the big way wrapped in a sugar-coated crust and a flowery rhetoric. And with that, Id get discouraged. Open the eyes of my heart with your love that I may see my need for your Merciful Love. Think of it: God loves us so much more than we love him. 172 Cited in van Dijk. to be Yourself my Sanctity! 33 Days to Merciful Love Retreat Companion is a six-week retreat and falls within Stage Three* of the Hearts Afire Program. You can, then, in one instant prepare me to appear before You. Take away anyfears or anxieties I may have about making the Offering. And so, she bore both of those temptations, and not just for a day but for more than a year. 90 Ibid. To one degree or another, as sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, we all have a trust prob lem. 107 Cited in ibid., p. 347. Whats its concrete expression in your daily living? I was stumped. Endnotes 197 The words that St. Faustina heard interiorly were the prayers of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, which is prayed as follows: 1. In a certain sense, God needs this womans help. Based on the book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, by Fr. And such hope is what Therese wants every little soul to experience: O Jesus! Reply to Obj. And also, In one instant the Lord gave me a knowledge of the sins committed throughout the whole world during these days. But remember, the Little Way is a Litde Way of darkness. In the next para graph, its clear why she doesnt worry about merits: (7) In the evening of this life, I shall appear before You with empty hands, for I do not ask You, Lord, to count my works. Finally, Therese ended the discussion by rather boldly stating, My sister, if you look for the justice of God you will get it. 74 Story of a Soul, p. 200. You, at least, come to Me as often as possible and take these graces they do not want to accept. 35 Full quote: [Therese] is very sensitive; when shes said a word too many, or when shes made a mistake, she notices it immediately and, to make up for it, the poor baby has recourse to tears, and she asks for par dons which never end. We can be set on fire. Amazon. In short, hes looking for families to make a Family Offering to Merciful Love. No. (Please use the above codes when ordering.) Week Three will treat the Offering to Merciful Love. Give me the heart of an eagle, a burning longing to choose all that you willfor me. Book 2 of 2: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration . And so, in diis way, God manifests His infinite grandeur. In other words, when the Lord stoops down to litde souls, it makes his glory shine even more. Let me explain. (Washington, DC: ICS Publications, 1996), p. 174. More specifically, she believes that her desires will be realized only in heaven: What attracts me to the homeland of heaven is the Lords call, the hope of loving Him finally as I have so much desired to love Him.149 So, according to St. Therese, only in heaven will wc love God with perfect love. I could say to Him like His aposdes: Master, I fished all night and caught nothing. More merciful to me than He was to His disciples, Jesus took the net Him self, cast it, and drew it in filled with fish (Story ofa Soul, pp. So, these rejected graces are free for the taking."' We spend the first twelve days emptying ourselves of the spirit of the world. 214 Sharing Gods mercy with others is a key to living the Family Offering to Mercifiil Love. The Pope says that [t]hese loud cries [for mercy] should be the mark of the Church of our times (15). But, again, that experience of heaven on earth is hidden under the veil of a Sacrament. But thats not what she teaches. Uncategorized. Oh, what pain they cause Me when they do not want to accept them!95 lam looking for souls who would like to receive My grace.96 So, do you want to console Jesus by receiving his grace? Traveling by horse and buggy, we arrived in thirty days at the Himalayan site of Ranikhet. A less obvious one is Trinity Sunday, which is the anniversary of when St. Therese first received her inspiration to offer herself to Gods Merciful Love. It is impossible for me to grow up, and so I must bear with myself such as I am with all my imperfections. Simply recall what Therese had told her novice, Sr. Marie of the Trinity, who had asked if even she could hope to get to heaven right away after dying. Thankfully, Therese was very much WEEK THREE: The Offering to Merciful Love 71 attracted to another kind of offering: the Offering to Merciful Love. (See Mk 6:5.) Youre ready to breathe back out to the Lord your love and mercy, your praise and thanks. They all replied in unison, [L]onging for God. Because Marys suffering at Cavalry was the suffering of compassion. 1 am Love and Mercy itself (1273). Venial sin allows charity to subsist, even though it offends and wounds it (1854-1855). Its a way thats very straight because its entirely ver tical, very short because it avoids die spirals of the staircase,55 and totally new or at least it feels that way because it redis covers the heart of the Gospel, namely, Gods mercy for the litde and die lowly. And as I mentioned earlier, he wants us to be on fire with love. And then well remember I hope well remember Marys example of faith at the foot of the Cross. you know, your sweet Face Is for me Heaven on earth. 59 Story ofa Soul, pp. When you get your hands on 33 Days To Merciful Love Pdf and go through it, you quickly realise you have a great book with deep knowledge about 33 Days To Merciful Love . Himself, in a way, God manifests his infinite grandeur, a burning longing to all! Each and all.203 but why a selfish act, and so, she bore both of temptations... To be on St. Therese has already composed such a personal and perfect example of faith feeling of longing God... Hidden under the veil of a Sacrament crust and a single day is like a thousand years mercy itself 1273...: l > ' it: God loves us so much more than we Love him she said looking... She were a criminal ( Story ofa soul 33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf pp all my imperfections then, diat New! 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